[V8] V8 Service Manual pages

Bob Williams tecniccom at verizon.net
Mon Jul 27 07:41:33 PDT 2015

Hi Ed,   I have an electronic version that is inadequate, one page  
only. My service manual has many pages, 21 between D8-260 and  
D8-204-1. I could copy them and mail them or photograph and send, if  
you can't find another source. Maybe you have the D8-330 1-5 pages.   
A part you should look for as an extra is the line from the trans  
cooler to the transmission. It is an aluminum tube (actually two) and  
I had to dismember one of my cars to get one. Many parts are only  
'92- '94, as you know. When it gets cooler I will undertake parting  
out my '93 that now has a salvage title, even tho everything is in  
place, but the radiator and oil cooler.  ~Bob

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