[V8] arrival of the faster rats....

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Sep 21 12:31:17 PDT 2015

Greatest thing I ever did for myself and my sanity was to give the wife
and my parents into appliance cars.

2004 Marquis, so far biggest expense has been brakes,  Brake Pads (heavy
duty), brake rotors (HD) cost a whopping $55 for parts..delivered.  If
you have one of these or a Crown Vic, you can get all your parts from
Fleet vendors.  I was actually paid to buy the brake pads, both sets cost
$35 - AND had a $20 rebate, they paid me $5 to take delivery.  

Same with the 2001 Impala, needed an axle boot, complete USA made axle -
$32 on FleaBay.
Accidentally broke ABS wires when putting in Axle - why screw around with
it when you can buy the complete front hub Plug and Play for under $40?

Mom's Kia SUV, going on 6 yrs and 140k plus miles and still has the
original brake disks and everything else except for fluids, bulbs and
other consumables.  If you ever see how my mother drives, you will
understand what an impressive accomplishment this is for any vehicle. 

The '87 300TD, a Teutonic beast but has been cheaper to maintain than the
above two, but the rust, the damn rust is going to get it parked soon. 

Next car recommendation for any of them will be another appliance mobile,
having a soul gets complicated....

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

Kent McLean <kentmclean at comcast.net> writes:
> Dave Saad wrote:
> > Honestly in your case I would look at an explorer. Not sexy 
> perhaps but they are cheap to buy and own and will hold up in the 
> winter conditions. My 4.6l 2003 has plenty of power and has yet to 
> cost me a nickel 
> Roger may not agree with you, but you’re not wrong.  A few years 
> ago I had to take my significant other’s 2002 Ford Taurus to get a 
> state inspection sticker.  The shop looked it over and said, “It 
> needs a new muffler and tail pipe.” Me, “How much?” Shop, 
> “$239.” Me, thinking that wasn’t too bad, followed up with, 
> “How much for labor?” The service writer gave me a funny look 
> and said, “That includes parts and labor.” I chuckled and 
> explained I was used to much higher prices getting my Audis fixed.
> There’s something to be said for American cars, even if driving 
> experience isn’t one of them.
>> Kent McLean
> ’02 VW Beetle TDI and lots of ex-Audis, including Bad Puppy

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