[V8] Belly Pan repair
rasrunnit at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 2 12:54:29 PDT 2016
Fifteen years ago I repaired a major tear in the belly pan with carbon fiber strips and Sikoflex sealant. The fix worked perfectly and is still holding strong. The carbon fiber was scrap from my buddy who builds kayaks. I suspect it's expensive. One of the best fixes I've made on the beast.
"Rosser, James" <rossej at spu.edu> wrote:
>Allroad oil leaks? Assuming the 2.7T, change all the upper seals: 2x valve covers, 2x cam adjuster seals and half moons, 4 cam seals and two cam plugs. It's best to do this work with a timing belt service. There are lots of YouTube videos that cover these seal changes, a notable example is linked below (skip to about halfway for the seal change part) Good luck!
>Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 30, 2016, at 16:17, Dave Saad <dsaadme at me.com> wrote:
>> Plumbers tape and rivets
>> Or thin sheet aluminum or even a cut up tin can. Put metal on both sides and hold together with a bunch of pop rivets. I don't see any glue working for long.
>> Now who knows how to make an allroad stop leaking oil?
>> 😄
>> Dave
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jun 30, 2016, at 1:17 PM, Rosser, James <rossej at spu.edu> wrote:
>>> Has anyone come up with a solution to repair small cracks in the V8 bellypan? What's the material it's made of?
>>> Thanks,
>>> James
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