[V8] Clutch Question

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Tue Nov 1 09:13:51 PDT 2016

Hey, am forwarding a message from Richard Valencia.  He got dropped off the list and theres apparently some issue with his provider not allowing relisting, so am forwarding for him....

>> Hope you're doing well, we haven't spoken in a while. Had a clutch question for you.
>> My clutch has been acting a little strangely. 
>>      1. As the clutch comes up to its resting position there is a slight uneven (catch)
>>          in the motion, nothing major, just not a smooth fluid motion. 
>>      2. The other morning I found the pedal to the floor, lifted it with my foot 
>>          and managed to get it into gear, backed it out of the drive and parked it on the
>>          street. Got back in several hours later and the pedal was back in its normal
>>          position, working fine with plenty of spring action except for that slight "catch"
>>          as it comes to rest. Any ideas? Do you know what the symptoms are for a bad
>>          over center spring? Bad MC or Slave? Air in the system?
>> Thanks,
>> Richard

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