[V8] Buyer for my car?
doog at bysinger.net
doog at bysinger.net
Thu Oct 13 16:16:42 PDT 2016
That second one was mine! To be fair, I listed it with an unknown transmission fault, so the price point was set knowing I would be talked down some.
-John Bysinger
From: Bob
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 4:07 PM
To: V8 List
Subject: Re: [V8] Buyer for my car?
Here's your some of your competition,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Jager" <pjager at telus.net>
To: v8 at audifans.com, "Roger M. Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at fairpoint.net>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 1:26:33 PM
Subject: Re: [V8] Buyer for my car?
Having been driving the A8 the past year, my son and I both can vouch for
why the V8 is in some ways a cooler ride.
Certainly feels more sportier &that engine sound. We had the '93 drove to
the wrecker with no real major issues 'cept leaks got $250.
After a couple of Volvo R's I paid $7500 US for a virtually mint A8L, 2004,
cam belt just done.
All I have done to it, in one year, is to replace the original factory
A8's are $5K +
V8's are $5k -
-----Original Message-----
From: Roger M. Woodbury
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:26 AM
To: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: [V8] Buyer for my car?
Out of the blue, I have received an inquiry about my car. The person
writing is referencing the eBay listing I had of my car when I tried to
sell it in 2013. After the eBay auction failed to produce anything
remotely of interest in terms of money, I put the car in the garage and
left it there until December of last year when I took it out, registered
it and have been driving it since. I am about ready to put the car back
in the garage until next spring.
Strangely enough two days prior to my receiving this email inquiry, I
had a conversation with my mechanic about both of our Audis and another
conversation with a specialty car broker I know very well about the same
thing. Then this guy writes out of the blue and after seeing pictures
of the car wants to know my price.
Right now, I have NO idea what I might "let it go for" as he put it.
Having said that this isn't a bad time to sell it, as it will be put
into hibernation mode in December and not emerge from its den until as
late as May first, weather depending. At the same time, the 1994 Audi
100 is really going to have to have some body restoration done and there
are some other things I would like to do to the car, which is what I was
discussing with the wrench. EVERYone I have discussed the matter with
has said that the investment in the 100 Avant is simply not worth the
money, and I am slowly swinging around to thinking that way myself.
Perhaps this is REALLY the time for my wife and I to do the
"intelligent" thing and go down to one car and make that one car
something much newer.
Soooo.....since everyone on the list by now has some good idea of what a
realistic price to ask for what is a very nice 1990 Audi V8 (around
100,000 miles). I'll ask you: what do you think is a realistic asking
price for my car?
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