[V8] Found an Oil Pan for the V8

Bob bkrussow at comcast.net
Tue Apr 18 19:49:43 PDT 2017

2 weeks ago I drove to Green Bay WI, that's 280 miles one way or about 4 1/2 hours drive time, to a UPull it yard that had a 1991 V8. There were no pics of the car on their web site and they don't list what parts are available. So it's 100% hit or miss. I left home a 6AM and got there about 10.30 AM no stops just go. All said and done I left at 1.00PM 

I lucked out that it was up on wheel stands in the front so I could get under it. The Audi god's were pleased with me because the pan was a recently new pan that still had the parts sticker on it. All of the 10mm bolts were accessible except those under the sway bar. Not to be discouraged or to be foiled by a cruel Audi god joke, I un-bolted the 2 front sub frame bolts and the sway bar came down with plenty of room to get at the remaining bolts. Next item was the brake accumulator. that was fairly easy to get to so I got that out. Another item I was looking for were the front door speaker grilles. Only the left one was still good so I got that. The fog lamps were in very good shape but the screws that hold them in were rusted and I couldn't get them loose. I got some window switches. Cost for the parts, $60.00. I cleaned up the pan, sanded it and re-sprayed it black to cover some minor scratches in it. 

I have a question for all of you, There did not seem to be any gasket sealer one the upper or lower pan, just the bare gasket. I have a new Vicktor Renz gasket, should I use some RTV or is the gasket alone good. I did look up and found that the torque is 14 Ft, Lbs. 

Is everyone's seat belt on? I want to try something. 

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