[V8] This may be too far out even for me....

Scott Justusson qshipq at aol.com
Thu Jan 19 09:21:42 PST 2017

I so dearly want you to take some friendly advice from a guy that built more 1 off quattro projects as a shop owner for 12 years than most.  First, take a spreadsheet of what you think it will take, down to the penny, throw in a factor, and put that up as a cost.  Then, as in my 27yrs experience with Audis, if it is a simple upgrade, the actual cost factor is 2.5 of estimated.  A 1 off build engine swap, is a factor of 3.5 to 5.  The difference in the v6 transmission, is the amount of supported torque the transmission will take.  You can't use that one.  Period.  It can barely handle the v6 engine power.

I will claim, nee, bet...  You could buy either the Allroad v6tt (and I've done both turbos on them without taking the engine out), or the Allroad v8, with all their unknowns and added costs, and come out less total cost than a 1 off high mileage engine swap.  I know this to your dreamy build idea, the EASIER swap is the v8 into the C4 using the 01A transmission.  BTDT, I worked on that car for 10 years for the owner.  I never desired to build one of my own, because everything I predicted would be a PITA was.  For an Autobox with power?  Get the v6tt autobox allroad, bone stock it is 100hp more than the A6 you own.  Budget 4 grand to replace the turbos, and you are still less than your proposed swap.  By a *factor*

I will only remind you Roger, my world of engine swaps is extensive, including co-building a corvette engine into a 5ktq.  I currently own a 200tq engine converted 4kq with a 5 bolt hub swap using all factory parts.  I rebuilt a clean V8 C4 Wagon project, and understand your words.  I will only smile and continue to think you have no idea what you are contemplating.  

If you have never done an engine swap before, try a simple one first.  Then explain to me what you believe I might have missed.



-----Original Message-----
From: Roger M. Woodbury <rmwoodbury at fairpoint.net>
To: Scott Justusson <qshipq at aol.com>; toml99 <toml99 at todomundo.com>
Cc: v8 <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 19, 2017 11:59 am
Subject: Re: [V8] This may be too far out even for me....

I'm getting mixed reactions so far. To      my knowledge, the ONLY V8/C4 swaps that have been made involve      making "vroom-vroom" cars, installing manual transmissions into      cars that either were never designed to have one, or involved      hunting and finding part all over the globe (or at least in      Germany) for cars more than a decade out of production.  Correct      me with specific examples if I am wrong.
      Audi built a C4 S6 with 4.2 V8 in 1995.  The engine and      transmission in that car was the same engine and ZF4HP24A      transmission used in the earlier V8's. So, in theory, the engine      and transmission will both fit earlier C4 cars, probably with      fabrication of transmission mounts, perhaps. BUT the transmission      in the C4 100CS is the ZF4HPFLA, and I suspect the only difference      between that transmission and the 4HP24A is internal, specific for      the V6 engine.  
      Scott, with all due respect to your knowledge and expertise, your      concept of "fully depreciated" is vastly different from mine.  

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