[V8] hail, hail the dang thing's still here . . .

Steven B urq222 at ymail.com
Wed Nov 22 10:50:15 PST 2017

Yes, the IRS rules require an appraised value if the car is worth more than a certain amount ... just learned that myself.
Interest in V8s is picking up on the Large Chassis Audi group on FB ... for me that group is getting to be like the audifans groups used to be.  
Steve BuchholzDriving a RWD car that has no gas tank now ... 
  On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 10:43 AM, Kent McLean<kentmclean at comcast.net> wrote:   Mike Arman wrote:
> My accountant says donate it, if BAT is a waste of time, I'll do exactly that, the only question is for this year or next . . .

My S.O. donated her mother’s old car, a 15 year old Taurus that need only a new fuel pump. It had been running good, the tires were good, no rust on the body. We thought they’d fix it and give it to a struggling single mother. They wholesaled it and gave us a donation receipt for $400, much much less that the blue book value. Not the outcome we wanted. 

BAT might get you a wider, more auto-focused audience. I say it’d be worth a shot. “No Reserve” should see it sold, but maybe for not a whole lot.

Kent McLean
’02 VW Beetle TDI and lots of ex-Audis, including Bad Puppy

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