[V8] Dark side / light side

Mike Arman Armanmik at earthlink.net
Tue Oct 10 06:54:32 PDT 2017

I've also defected . . .

I have been granted automotive asylum in the camp of the three pointed star, specifically under the 
tent of a white (well, the color is the same as my V8Q) 2008 CLK 350 convertible.

Didn't know how much I missed having a convertible . . . and this one is slick, dudes, slick.

Amazing what 28 years of advances in German automotive technology brings. The climate control system 
(cars don't have heaters and air conditioners any more) is just as user-hostile, unintuitive and 
opaque as the Audi's so I guess some things don't change.

Which still leaves me with the issue of making the V8Q go away. I've tried the local Craigslist, got 
a few nibbles, two visitors (both wildly enthusiastic and then evaporated), and not much else. Big 
pile of parts, all kinds of goodies and upgrades, price seems to be right, but no takers.

What's my best plan of action? Sell the good stuff ("de-content" the car) and donate the vehicle? 
Trade for (what?)? Sell it to someone who wants to build a swamp buggy? (V8, AWD, it would be unique!)

Bueller . . . Bueller . . . Bueller . . . ?

Best Regards,


90V8Q, this particular adventure is almost over.

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