[V8] Finally.....

Tom Laplante toml99 at todomundo.com
Mon Mar 5 20:44:24 PST 2018

Hey, wanted to take the boat out Saturday while winter Chinook salmon is 
still open, and realized Lago with its no spark issue is in the way.  
Spent the day testing everything.....no sparky. After removing drivers 
coil as it was barely out of spec/replaced with good and nothing.  While 
coil was out realized the hemmorage on 5-speed was from hydraulic hose 
that loops over brake booster, thought, I can do this.  Switch to 
5-speed and had hose out in 20 min.  Getting that banjo bolt on to rack 
took hrs with my tiny hands....had to walk away a few times and neighbor 
heard some words.  Finally got it in and had marked plug wires as I 
needed to remove dizzy cap for access.  Marks got smeared removing 
wires.  I only had to remove 2 wires and one said 1.  Put back and 
sparked right up and idled slightly high like it's done since '08.  Book 
was right there so verified plug wire and 5/8 were swapped and have been 
so since I got the car in '08!!  Idles perfect now and feels like 
someone put a huge turbo in....I drove that car 3 times to WY/CO and 
loved it....had a slight  shudder on acceleration but always assumed it 
was something.....HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.  The last parts car that had 2 
wires swapped could barely run.  Since the PT fires 2/cylinders/time, 
maybe 5/8 made it happy/don't care.......Drove it today with the heat on 
high and fan blowin my hair back while I passed a guy in a Black RS8(new 
plates) on the way to lake job.....He waved.....Ha....Have rebuilt rack 
but apparently can put that on hold as hose was the problem....James 
gave me the whole hose package as I've just got boxes of hoses, so 
gleaned the hose and all is good.  didn't even replace orings, and leak 
free.  Love it.....Tom

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