[V8] Aftermarket Hall Sensor

Dave Saad dsaadme at me.com
Mon Jan 7 13:45:00 PST 2019

I am pretty sure you need to press apart the distributor to change the sensor. If you could actually find the part, it would be a big job to repair... I might still have a good one at home. I’ll check when I get done skiing neck deep powder in Sapporo japan! Well almost neck deep... I haven’t skied  this much fluffy deep snow in decades. This place is awesome!

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> On Jan 5, 2019, at 12:12 PM, "toml99 at todomundo.com" <toml99 at todomundo.com> wrote:
> Hey all, just seeing if sites still up.  Somewhere I have a part # for a hall sender that is a direct replacement for the unit in our distributors.  Fit Saab 9-3/9-5 from the 90’s….can’t find anywhere.  Wondering if anyone remembers?  5-speed puked again after a stellar 2 months or so of gratified driving after a long hiatus of not running(still need to write that saga up).  Even though I verified that the car should start/run without the hall signal years ago, service training says motronic needs it to initiate fuel and that’s where I’m at.  Both spares test bad.  Have everything but fuel initiation and figured I’d replace it since all the dizzy’s are ancient and ecu wants it whether it’s my problem or not.  Not finding anything in the archives but fun memories…..Ha, Hope everyone had a good holiday….Tom
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