[V8] Timing Belt Tools Needed for the 3.6 PT

Dave Saad dsaadme at me.com
Fri Jun 28 10:05:10 PDT 2019

Hi Bob, 
I gave my tools to Zach at 
Years ago. I assume he still has them, and he may loan them to you. It would be hard to do without the tools, especially the crank holder but is probably possible if you are careful. I think there are timing marks on the cams and crank but it would be tough to keep them all in place.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 26, 2019, at 7:08 PM, Bob Krussow <bkrussow at comcast.net> wrote:
> Looking in the near future to do the belt. If I can borrow or rent or buy the tools from someone please respond
> Thanks, Bob
> Make Lying Wrong Again
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