[V8] Oil pressure

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Sat Mar 30 09:16:19 PDT 2019

Thanks, I'll check it out.

On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 6:37 AM Scott Phillips <phillipsscott at comcast.net>

> Hey Ed - I can't find where but when my V8 was doing something similar to
> yours I was in search of the OP sender too. If my mind isn’t remembering
> the wrong thing here the Porsche 928 uses a similar sensor.
> https://www.paragon-products.com/Oil-Pressure-Sender-p/pp928.606.203.05.htm
> also summit racing has a good selection of VDO senders. With some 'simple'
> diagnostics you can see if it is the gauge or not. Typically the OP circuit
> and sender is a resistance device, meaning the more pressure the more
> resistance it puts out. The VDO unit is a 10-180 Ohm unit. Using a tool
> like this:
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Resistance-Decade-Box-1-through-9-999-999-Ohm/183742690154?hash=item2ac7eaf36a:g:89UAAOSwY4tazRVP
> You could easily generate a 'signal' to the gauge to see if it is
> functioning or not. And if it is, you'll know the sender failed.
> Good Luck.
> Scott.

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