[Vwdiesel] weird oil pressure phenomenon

Nate Wall NWall at envasns.org
Tue Apr 9 10:04:27 EDT 2002

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** Proprietary **

I've got an '85 TD also.  MANY years ago, recently after I got mine (used w=
/ 56,000 miles) I was exiting the interstate and took the exit ramp kind of=
 fast, but not enough to make the tires squeel.  The oil buzzer and light c=
ame on. (I had no idea what the buzzer was at the time).  I immediately coa=
sted to a stop and checked the oil.  It was completely full.  Started the e=
ngine, no light or buzzer.

I imagine in your and my case, the oil just briefly sloshed to one side/end=
 of the pan and caused a momentary drop in pressure from the pick-up suckin=
g a little air.

TDs may have a little lower pressure anyway, since the turbo takes some of =
the oil flow.  I think TD engine oil pumps used to be bigger than NA ones, =
but I think at some point VW used the same ones in both applications.


>>> Shalyn Shourds <sshourds at flash.net> 04/08/02 11:59PM >>>

    Driving home on a really rainy afternoon a couple days ago,
I had to come to a somewhat more abrupt stop than I'd
planned to.  I.E., I locked up the fronts and then the
backs, too.  At least it answered some questions about where
my brakes are balanced out at.  The weird part was that the
oil pressure buzzer started up, and I hadn't killed the
engine stopping.  I shut if off quick and started it back
up.  No problems then or since.  Anyone had the oil pressure
drop in a panic stop?  Really freaked me out juxtaposed with
nearly sliding into a minivan.


    '85 Jetta TD
    260,000 mi.
vwdiesel mailing list
vwdiesel at vwfans.com
[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
I've got an '85 TD also.  MANY years ago, recently after I got mine (used w/
56,000 miles) I was exiting the interstate and took the exit ramp kind of
fast, but not enough to make the tires squeel.  The oil buzzer and light ca=
on. (I had no idea what the buzzer was at the time).  I immediately coasted=
a stop and checked the oil.  It was completely full.  Started the engine, no
light or buzzer.

I imagine in your and my case, the oil just briefly sloshed to one side/end=
the pan and caused a momentary drop in pressure from the pick-up sucking a
little air.

TDs may have a little lower pressure anyway, since the turbo takes some of =
oil flow.  I think TD engine oil pumps used to be bigger than NA ones, but I
think at some point VW used the same ones in both applications.

>>> Shalyn Shourds <sshourds at flash.net> 04/08/02 11:59PM >>>
    Driving home on a really rainy afternoon a couple days ago,
I had to come to a somewhat more abrupt stop than I'd
planned to.  I.E., I locked up the fronts and then the
backs, too.  At least it answered some questions about where
my brakes are balanced out at.  The weird part was that the
oil pressure buzzer started up, and I hadn't killed the
engine stopping.  I shut if off quick and started it back
up.  No problems then or since.  Anyone had the oil pressure
drop in a panic stop?  Really freaked me out juxtaposed with
nearly sliding into a minivan.
    '85 Jetta TD
    260,000 mi.
vwdiesel mailing list
vwdiesel at vwfans.com

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