[Vwdiesel] lowering gasoline prices

Robert L. Coyle, Jr. wn5p at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 19 09:08:53 EDT 2002

--- James Hansen <jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Okay, sorry to belabor this but I found some numbers
> this morning that might be
> of interest.  The National Biodiesel Board gave some
> numbers to one of the
> papers I get- Grainews.... anyway, their numbers for
> fuel used are:
> "If 1%biodiesel was blended into regular diesel fuel
> in the US, the industry
> would need almost 200 million bushels of soybeans
> per year."
> Man that's a lot of beans...  Okay now before you
> come looking for my head
> because I used the words soybeans and oil in the
> same sentence, for Canola, the
> bushel figure would be roughly half that.  Let's use
> that for a moment assuming
> no further advancements in technology are used to
> increase oil content in
> canola that is at a rough 40% by weight.
> If we assume that the biodiesel institute was giving
> out good numbers, that
> translates into 10 billion bushels of Canola needed
> to replace all of the USA's
> need for diesel fuel.

Or used fryer oil, which is discarded anyway.

> I believe the original
> statement was....
> quote:
> "All our fuel needs can easily be met by
> agriculture, and without
> chemicals. "

"All our fuel needs can easily be met by McDonalds,
Jack in the Box, Burger King, Karl's Jr., etc...and
without chemicals."

I've often thought about going into partners with
Hayden and doing this on a large scale. This is going
to be big, REALLY big.


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