[Vwdiesel] Overloaded Caddy & feeler?

Tom Wandel tjwandel at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 1 13:05:57 EDT 2002

Just thought everyone might get a kick out of my <a
href=3D=94http://www.geocities.com/tomwandel/CaddyQuad.jpg"pickup carrying =
quad.></a> I just purchased this quad the other day, and my truck did a
pretty good job of hauling it around. The quad weighs 750 pounds dry. The
rear tires were too wide to fit into the bed. I know everyone has seen the
Jetta loaded up at Home Depot, and this made me think of it. Peace.
P=2ES. I might consider selling the truck. I would probably ask $1750obo. J=
a feeler. Any thoughts. Altoona, PA
02' GTI 337
98' GTI VR6 (for sale) <a href=3D"http://www.geocities.com/tomwandel">My VW
81' Caddy Diesel
78' Westfalia

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