[Vwdiesel] Diesel aircraft engine info anyone? :)

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sat Aug 3 11:10:10 EDT 2002

LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>   I ran across this on ebay.  Thought a few of you might find it
>      Loren
>  <A
> HREF="
> ">Click here: eBay Motors item 1847405036 (Ends Aug-04-02 19:29:05 PDT )
> The PACKARD - DIESEL Aircraft Engine 1930</A>
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        If y'all have a hankering to see the real thing,
one of those engines hanging in the Ford Foundation Museum
in Detroit.  Least there was ten years ago.  Probably still
got the drool stains on the floor from when I was there.
I'll have to get back up there some time.  That was only one
of a long list of mechanical wonders of past ages that they
had on display.  Love those old engines.


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