[Vwdiesel] [keather6@COX.NET: WTB 1.6L diesel engine - running]

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Mon Aug 5 12:27:07 EDT 2002

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Delivered-To: hseaver at cybershamanix.com
X-Sender: keather6 at pop.west.cox.net
Date:         Mon, 5 Aug 2002 09:52:17 -0700
Reply-To: "keather6 at cox.net" <keather6 at COX.NET>
From: "keather6 at cox.net" <keather6 at COX.NET>
Subject:      WTB 1.6L diesel engine - running
To: vanagon at GERRY.VANAGON.COM
In-Reply-To:  <3D4EA3DB.A0A525E0 at earthlink.net>

I have to do a heart transplant into my 82 dsl camper van.
Unfortunately, I dont have the jack to do a slick conversion, so I
guess 47 hp is all I get.  Ah well, just keep to the right lane,
crank up the Dead bootleg CD, and enjoy the scenery...

So, anybody have a running, decent condition, not too many miles 1.6
L dsl engine?

Phoenix, AZ

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Harmon Seaver

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