[Vwdiesel] Re: [Audi-VW-Diesels] 1.9td

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Sun Aug 18 01:50:20 EDT 2002

Dana sez:
> 1) having to make a 10 mm. spacer, out of aluminum plate, to go
> between the manifold
> and downpipe, so the lower d.p. flange would clear the bracket
> for the steering rack
> (As Loren can attest, before the spacer, I initially thought my
> tranny all of a
> sudden lost reverse gear it knocked so).  This is using a [pre
> '81 (?)] four into
> two diesel manifold with its d.p..

Okay, I don't have the exhaust past the turbo.  I'll need to do some
scrounging.  The AAZ uses the same flex connector as our 97 TDI, I guess.
This should be around somewhere...

> 2) Since the 1Y is n.a., I cobbled together an intake using an
> AAZ manifold with 2"
> i.d. vaccuum hose and cuff which brings air from a t.d. Quantum
> airbox that I
> mounted on the  right fender.

Yeah, I was thinking of a foam cone for now, until I can get a metal filter
enclosed element like on a tractor. Cones are too loud for a daily driver,
but the neat and quick install factor is high, and are a pretty good filter
overall.  I plan on running a snorkel from this canister to a high spot
somewhere, not sure where, maybe subtle hood scoop with a labrynth for
water/snow trap. Dunno yet, will see when the mood hits. Have to tape some
ribbons on the hood first to see airflow. I like the tractor thing, as it
has a primary dust removal area to get the big chunks out first via inertia.

> I also installed a new 210 mm. LUK clutch.  I've got the load
> adjustment on the pump
> screwed in as far as the limiter will allow and there is no,
> well...scarcely any,
> smoke.  When I find a window I'll attempt to cut the limiter off,
> so I can optimize
> a bit :).
 I'm warming up to the idea of hotting this thing up a bit too.  Start with
an intercooler and keep at it until the underhood area is full?  Dunno,
gotta get it in first, then play.  New drive plate sounds like a good thing
too when the rear seal goes in.  Thanks Dana

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