[Vwdiesel] OT but concerning members of the vwdiesel list
James Hansen
jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Tue Aug 27 00:41:39 EDT 2002
I've been getting them too Brian, but I had no idea they had attachments.
My virus eater just flushes it all. How is it you are seeing the files
without getting infected yourself, as apparently Klez hides in copies of
files for replication purposes, or is that wrong? Yeah, but the daily klez
files suck. Have you been getting messages without any body, just a title,
and that don't set off your virus eater? I've been worried about that some
as I am getting between one to five per day this way, full system virus scan
shows no bugs...
just checked, today's one from wormwiggler has a return path of
backintime at triton.net
Tom, you listening?
> Hi Dieselers;
> For the last three or four months I have been regularly receiving
> emails which have the W32.klez virus attached along with a
> randomly selected file as is the way this virus works. It seems that
> the quite a few of the messages had reply addresses of members of
> this list that I have seen posting before. Upon further investigation I
> have found that the originating address is always
> backintime at triton.net, this address seemed to be used by a Tom
> Laws who had in his email messages Lawshome which I remember
> seeing on different occasions.
> I'd like to know if anyone else has been receiving the same
> messages and if it is correct that they may be coming from the
> backintime at triton.net address? If so, does anyone know Tom
> Laws, if that is who has that address? If that is the source of the
> messages, could someone find a way to contact him or whoever
> may be using that email address and let them know that they have
> that virus. I am starting to get quite a few different photos as well as
> other files sent as attachments from their computer. I don't think that
> they are aware that this is happening so it would nice if there is
> someone on this list that could contact them, please do, so that they
> can get it fixed.
> Regards;
> Brian Harrison
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