[Vwdiesel] finished, no start

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Thu Aug 29 10:28:19 EDT 2002

<<<<That's the high pressure end of the pump and
you won't get fuel into the injectors if you're loosing it out that plug.
Did you loose the copper washer that goes on the bolt?  If so then
get a new one and snug it up.>>>

Good point. VW DOES NOT CARRY THESE. I always got dumb looks from the parts guy
when I ask. I had to get them from the local Bosch authorized injection shop.
Then I get pissed looks from the injection shop owner and he grumbles, the
paperwork costs more than these %$#@#$& washers. The parts jobber can't seem to
match them up with anything either. In a pinch I filed the coper washer flat
again and reused it. Bentley says to replace it each time, but I don't. I wonder
if they old washer should be heated up and quinched cooled first, or anealed.
What's your take on this Loren? It makes the copper soft again, right? I guess
the same woild go for the oil drain plug seal.

LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 8/28/2002 6:17:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> krisa at subtend.net writes:
> > Cranked and cranked until the battery died.  I guess now comes the hard
> >  part.  Getting it to start (and troubleshooting the problem).
>   Fill the injector pump with fuel.  :)  Pull the return line banjo bolt and
> fill it
> to the top and replace.  It takes a long time to prime the lines if they're
> empty and even longer if the pump is empty.
> >
> >  I had the head rebuild, and replaced the head gasket and all coolant
> >  hoses.  Thetas about it.
> >
> >  A couple of things I noticed were fuel leaking from the pump adjustment
> >  screw (where you hook up a dial indicator) and it seems there is fual
> >  leaking from a couple of the injectors.  I reused the entire injector.
> >  I've heard that you need to at least replace the heat shield, and I
> >  didn't do this.
>   That ain't no adjusting screw.  It's the plug for the timing port.  If it's
> leaking it won't start.  That's the high pressure end of the pump and
> you won't get fuel into the injectors if you're loosing it out that plug.
> Did you loose the copper washer that goes on the bolt?  If so then
> get a new one and snug it up.
>   No problem reusing injectors but you should use new heat shields.
> They won't seal well unless you put them back in the same hole with
> the same injector, use new shields, or re-shape the old shield.
> Compression leaking out is the main thing as well as carbon building
> up between the lower housing and the nozzle assembly.  It won't hurt
> anything in itself but it makes it tough to disassemble an injector!  :)
>   Leaks could be from the high pressure fitting on the injector, between
> the halves, from where the nipple go into the upper housing or from the
> hoses.  You have to know which to fix it.
> >
> >  The liquid coming from around the injectors looked a bit black.  There
> >  isn't a chance that the combustion chambers are full of oil?  That would
> >  suck.
> >
>   A little fuel and a little carbon can make a lot of black.  ;-)
> >  Anything else I should look into?  I'm thinking I'll re-time the pump.
> >
> Timing wouldn't hurt.  Just be sure to use the right specs and have the
> cold start advance lever seated firmly, at the pump not just inside the
> car.  The cable could be bent or out of adjustment.
>      Loren
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