[Vwdiesel] no start - update

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Thu Aug 29 10:36:09 EDT 2002

Those shields are cheap (about a buck ea.?). Get a set. Possibly you're
loosing enough compression from poor sealing to give you the no-start/poor
running problem. Someone on the list said you could carfully re-bend them to
close to new specs. Who was that?


Kris wrote:

> So.. I tried adjusting the timing again and getting everything back
> together.  The timing came out a bit retarded but I thought I could just
> pull the timing adjustment knob to compensate (to test).
> After cranking with a borrowed new battery, the engine would crank and
> then rev up high and die.  I tried this a couple of times.
> Then I tried with my foot on the gas.  I can get it to idle with my foot
> more than half way down on the gas.  I assume this is because of off
> timing?  I was just happy it was running.  Lots of exhaust from the
> front of the head.  I assume this is because I didn't get new heat
> shields for the injectors.  <sigh> Maybe I'll throw in some rebuilt
> ones.
> Thanks for the tip on unbolting the injection pump and moving it from
> the back.  I didn't know you actually had to move the pump!
> --
> I'm just a packet pusher.
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