[Vwdiesel] Vanagon w/ dead engine -- engine sources needed

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at NWOnline.Net
Mon Dec 2 05:07:06 EST 2002

Why not consider replacing that engine with a good used turbo diesel? I
have an 85 Jetta TD that behaves almost as well as a gasoline engine, and
I'm sure a Vanagon would respond better to a turbo. (I'm not offering the
85 Jetta, just using it as an example>)

That 85 TD is one sweet engine, with special oil jets that cool the
undersides of the pistons. They do require a different injector pump, but
those are available.

Think about it.  Maybe let go of one of your other Vanagons.

Doyt Echelberger
76 Westy   Ohio   USA
At 12:46 PM 12/1/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I've been offered (for cheap) a clean 82 diesel Vanagon with a dead engine
>(overheated). The van will be parted or fixed/sold depending on the cost of
>fixing it. So a couple questions:
>- Who offers good rebuilt/new 1.6NA engines for a low price?
>- does overheating mean possibly that it was just over-revved?
>- is anyone interested in it? I already have 2 and really don't need
>- does anyone have a used engine to sell? I'm in southeastern Virginia.
>I should find out more about the van over the next week or so and will
>probably have it in the driveway in two weeks. Any help is appreciated.

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