[Vwdiesel] Bilsteins

Pavneet Arora pavneet_arora at waroc.com
Tue Dec 3 13:04:15 EST 2002

For our A3 Jetta TDI we went with 4 Bilstein HD at 110 000 km when the car
began to bottom out on rough roads (we live in the country).  We used the
original springs but renewed everything else.  The difference in ride quality
was amazing.  Slightly harsher, but not overly so, but roll had almost
disappeared.  Still not the magic carpet ride of Benz but pretty darn.  Now at
205 000 km there doesn't seem to be much degradation in performance.

We got the Bilsteins from RD Enterprises who I know about from my old SAAB
days.  Anyway they can be found at www.shox.com.  No connection other than as a
satisfied customer.


Pavneet Arora

waroc informatik
affordable high-end audio and home cinema

phone:  416.937.9276    internet:  www.waroc.com

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