[Vwdiesel] 90 Jetta brakes

Lee Hillsgrove hillsgrove at adelphia.net
Sat Dec 14 11:24:12 EST 2002

During the last week, the brake pedal on my '90 Jetta has slowly been
sinking to the floor as I stop the car.   New it travels nearly to the
floor.   When I pump them, the car stops fine.

I examined both front and back for leaks and bled them as well.  No air
showed up.  Both front rotor and pads as well as rear shoes and drums were
replaced last February, and show normal wear.  Any ideas?

  Sounds like the master cylinder is leaking internally. You will need to
either rebuild your existing master cylinder or get a replacement unit.
Don't forget to bench bleed the M/C before reinstalling it!


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