[Vwdiesel] Hard Start Diesel Rabbit

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Mon Dec 16 08:48:11 EST 2002

Michael Alexander wrote:
> I have an 82 diesel rabbit with a 3 yo rebuilt 1600 engine. As the weather
> cooled off, it became harder to start. I replaced the glow plugs with no
> improvement. They are getting 10-11 volts at the plugs.
> When starting, the advance must be pulled all the way out. It will crank  a
> few revs without firing. Then it slowly starts to fire, all the while
> belching white smoke. After it fires awhile, it will settle down and run
> normally. Once warmed up it has good power.
> I am thinking either pump or injectors.
> Anyone have a quick diagnosis?

Did you test the new glow plugs prior to installing them?

What brand plug did you use?  I've had no-name plugs fail ina  few months of use, now I only use Bosch.

How long is the glow plug LED staying on?  Is it on longer the colder it gets?

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