[Vwdiesel] Glow Plug Adventures

Al Stumbaugh alstum at visuallink.com
Mon Dec 23 09:06:56 EST 2002

Hi Out There:
     Never replaced the glow plugs before. Getting
them out wasn't too bad. Used an 8mm wrench to get
the buss bar nuts off. Used a long 12mm open end
wrench to get the old ones loosened. A very long
pair of longnose pliers, the 12mm wrench and lots
of patience to get them out.

     Could not find a torque spec on them, then
realized, Duh! There would be no way to measure
it anyway. Pretended they were spark plugs and
tightened them the same.

     Then came the dreaded little nuts to bolt
up the buss bar. I magentized a long, flat blade
screwdriver with a 1/4" tip. Put the washer on
the glow plug and held the nut onto the end
with the magnetized screwdriver. Used a razor
knife with a sharp point to turn the nut the
first turn to get it started. A scribe or even
a steak kinfe with a sharp point would work.

     Put a small drop of anti-seize on the
glow plug threds so they would not stick in
the heads. Is there a preferred kind for this?
The stuff I used looked like aluminum toothpaste.

     I put a star washer between the buss bar
and the wire that goes up to the fuse.

     Would have been better to wire each plug
with its own feed wire, but just did not have
the time to go looking for a suitable wire.
My electrician buddy suggested # 12  wire,
What kind of wire have you used out there?
There is good aircraft wire that would stand
up, but it is expensive.

     Is there a push on connector that would
carry the current and stay in place?

     You can get a magentizer tool at most
hardware stores for about $3.00 US.

     My two cents for today.

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