[Vwdiesel] Block heater electrical draw

Lee Hillsgrove hillsgrove at adelphia.net
Sat Dec 28 11:06:35 EST 2002

>To all the smarter and better looking dudes:

 Why thank you!  :-))

> What amount of electrical current is needed to run the typical
>VW block heater?  My Jetta requires the block heater to start below 30
>degrees as I'm trying to make it through one more winter on a tired
>engine... my question is if I could run the block heater off a spare
>battery or different vehicle and my 300W invertor if I ever got stuck
>too far from an outlet, or is that invertor too small?

 Depends on the size of your block heater.  :-))

 I think the standard freeze plug heaters are about 300W. If that is true,
you will probably want something a little bigger, maybe a 450W inverter.
 Not much chance of it working on the 1500W tank heater I installed on my
'86! Can you say, "instant heat"?


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