[Vwdiesel] Bio-Diesel Wooden Boat Article: Was - USA Today article

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Mon Dec 30 14:54:33 EST 2002

One big one I can think of is less likelihood of bildge explosions.


"Duncan L. Forbes" wrote:

> Well along the lines of Hayden's interview and article in USA today. The
> most current issue of Wooden Boat featured an article on displacement hulls
> in which the author did side by side comparison of fuel consumption by
> various marine engines as well as a side bar on bio-diesel. The author
> definitely pointed out the many advantages of the diesel engine (the boat
> featured used a Yanmar diesel) over a gasoline engine as well as advantages
> to using bio-diesel in marine use.
> If anyone is interested I could scan the article for them.
> Duncan
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