[Vwdiesel] Intermediate shaft bearings

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Feb 4 22:27:05 EST 2002

In a message dated 2/4/2002 5:15:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, saljel at nfdc.net

> I have seen these bearings fail mostly on td.I think because of the bigger
>  oil pump and higher rpm of the td. These bearings to light for this extra
>  load I think. I have a tool set made up to replace them and I done it on a
>  Quantum in the car.

  Actually the TDs are governed to the lowest RPM of all the VW diesels.
The intermediate shaft only runs the vacuum pump and oil pump.  Not much
load there.  Even with the bigger pump, the pressure's lower than the earlier
1.5's.  Pressure creates load more than volume will.  Most of the TD's have
a 30mm oil pump.  Most of the latter 1.6 NA's have 30mm pumps or the
replacements are (they call them HD.)  ;-)
  Most of the intermediate bearings I've seen and heard of that need replacing
are flaking apart.  Could be an acid thing but when the main and rod bearings
don't look acidified then I'd guess it just has to do with age and... thin

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