[Vwdiesel] Re: [vwpickups] Correct oil for a 1985 Jetta TD engine (in a 81 Pickup)

Robert L. Coyle, Jr. wn5p at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 25 10:58:20 EST 2002

When I bought my first Diesel Jetta back in 1991, I used single grade SAE
30. Here in Texas, summers are hot but winters are mind (compared to
Minnesota or Iowa). However now, tempered by experience, I would recommend
Rotella 15W40 or similar.

The reason is simple. Larger diesel engines (Ford, GM) have a larger
displacement, and don't have to work as hard to generate the same amount of
power. Small diesels as in the Volkswagens do, therefore proper lubrication
is essential.


At 08:54 PM 2/24/02 -0800, Paul wrote:
>Re oils(s)
>My friendly German car expert, Fritz Umlaut, advised me that the use of the
>heavy duty diesel oils was overkill, and  too expensive.It is for heavy duty
>diesel engines, trucks, machinery etc.,.His recommendation was Quaker State,
>or Penzoil, 20/40 or 20/50, or single grade SAE 30.In severe cold temps,
>maybe 20..if you can find it.
>The local MB dealer uses it,and is recommended by the factory . As a writer
>has already pointed out. a lot has to do with temperature conditions.(These
>weights are  also recommended by VW for the  85/86Jetta...VW says API CC or
>CD designation is satisfactory.I  agree on the oil filter.I alway go with
>Bosch/oil and fuel..for the little extra cost.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Night Shadow" <soltwede at privateI.com>
>To: <vwpickups at neubayern.net>
>Cc: <vwdiesel at audifans.com>; <Audi-VW-Diesels at yahoogroups.com>
>Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 6:40 PM
>Subject: Re: [vwpickups] Correct oil for a 1985 Jetta TD engine (in a 81
>> Delo 400 is good, alot of folks swear by Shell Rotella T (which now hads a
>> resonably priced sythetic out now).
>> That Fram filter...throw it in the trash.  Get either VW OEM, or Mann or
>> Mahle filters (which are all OEM style).  The Frams don't have the correct
>> pressure valve in them.
>> Eric
>> On Sun, 24 Feb 2002, Mike Harrnacker wrote:
>> > I'm doing my first oil change on my VW diesel pickup
>> > (w/jetta td engine).
>> >
>> > I'm not sure the best oil to use.  Here's what I've
>> > purchased, but not put into the engine yet.
>> >
>> > Chevron Delo400 Multigrade 15W-40
>> > API Service Classifications:  CH-4, CG-4, CF-4, CF,
>> > CE, CD/SJ, SH, EC
>> >
>> > I also bought a Fram oil filter.
>> >
>> > Am I on solid ground?  Or should I run, not walk, back
>> > to the store and buy something better.
>> >
>> > Mike Harrnacker
>> > 81 Pickup (w/ 84 TD 1.6 diesel)
>> >
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>> --
>> Eric
>> Northglenn, CO
>> 76 Honda CB400F Super Sport
>> 80 Scirocco (Parts car again, no more DD duty)
>> 81 Scirocco S (2.0 16v swap and complete restoration in progress)
>> 81 Rabbit Truck LX Diesel (THE NEW RIDE)
>> 91 Cabriolet (2.0 Crossflow 8v swap and mechanical rebuild in progress)
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