[Vwdiesel] Question on Leaking Diesel Pump - Cold Start Lever - HELP!!!!

Michael Snow mwsnow at cox.net
Mon Feb 25 21:05:52 EST 2002

Since you're quoting one of my posts on the subject...
If you have the tools and skills to remove, replace, and time the
injection pump, don't be afraid to tackle this yourself.  There are two
o-rings under the cold start lever that take just a few minutes to
replace once the injection pump is off the engine.

Mike Snow

ovalwindow wrote:
> hello,
> i have a leak that appears to be coming from the cold
> start lever of my vanagon's diesel injection pump.
> it's almost camping season, time to get this baby ship
> shape!
> i've read in the archive that this is a somewhat easy
> fix - taking a few hours on the driveway.  i'm
> wondering if anyone on any of the lists can enlighten
> me any more????  if so, that'd be really great.
> THANKS!  john
> '82 diesel westy
> ps.  someone on the yahoo diesel list offered to post
> the procedure last fall, but never did.  if you're
> reading this, i know there are at least two of us who
> would love to get the scoop.  HELP!!!!
>>The cold start lever o-ring is a 2 hour driveway
> job. The parts are
>>probably less than $5. Let me know if you have to do
> it. I just replaced
>>mine last month.
>>Mike Snow

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