[Vwdiesel] Mi Caddy

gabangs at san.rr.com gabangs at san.rr.com
Thu Jan 17 21:41:45 EST 2002

White smoke while cranking is cold to semi-hot, vaporized, unburned fuel.
The black smoke is simply a bunch of excess fuel burning.

My first thought is... are the glow plugs really working? Everything you
have described indicates non functional glow plug(s). My car did the exact
thing when my fuse link blew(before I got educated on glow plugs!... long

My next thought is... is cam and injector timing properly set. Also, valve

-Gary, San Diego
1985 Quantum TD

On 2002.01.17 17:15:38 -0800 chris wrote:
> My 1.5 1980 Caddy is hard to start.
> Battery is good.
> I have no visible bubbles in the fuel line.
> I have four good glow plugs.
> They are functioning properly.
> I just crank and crank and sometimes I kill the battery.
> I re charge and kill it again.
> Push it down a little hill in third and it starts everytime.
> If I start it again it starts right away.
> Sitting for more than three hours seems to be the magic number.
> I can go to church and it starts right up after two hours.
> push start it and go to lunch. after lunch it starts right up.
> I have been at work four hours and I know I will kill the battery
> and end up pushing it to start it.  I can stop and start as many times
> as I like after that.  I can't make it not start when warm.
> But after three hours it takes forever.  White smoke comes out when
> cranking.  Then a big black cloud when it fires up.
> After that it doesn't smoke when driving.
> Just the first big cloud...
> How can I get it to start better cold?
> Chris in Sandy Eggo... not really cold here ever...
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