[Vwdiesel] Re: [Audi-VW-Diesels] Rotella Synthetic oil, cheaper now!

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Sun Jul 7 01:36:51 EDT 2002

There is Rotella dino, and Rotella dino with extended life additives, Rotella
synth blend, Rotella straight synth. The 15-40 is straight dino Rotella T
fleet, or XLA.  10-40 is a synth blend of 60-40 synth-dino. There is another
one that was 50-50 too, I forget the weight.   0-40 is straight synth.  Shell
makes more group 4 synthetic than the rest put together, but sell most of it to
other companies.  You have to look at the jug- the synth reads as synthetic in
mineral base, except for the 0-40. It isn't that bad as oil goes.
I was really shocked when trying to buy oil in Phoenix for a diesel-
father-in-law's 300sd (turbo).  The only thing I could find barely met spec,
there was no cg4 to be had at all.   It was all the "fight over price, come buy
mine, I have it cheaper, and it's in a fancier bottle, so it must be better"
stuff. I had to use some for detroit diesels the rotella T 30 weight, sold at
wally mart.  Was the only place I could buy it, and was everywhere from one
autojunkpartssuperstore to another.  I tried to find a wholesale outlet where
all the farmers go so I could get some real oil, but no chance man, not laptop
then, so no internet lookup.  How do you guys even find oil?  I'm not surprised
that you would go to walmart if they actually have diesel rated oil, or buy
some overpriced crud over the internet...

On Saturday, July 06, 2002 11:04 PM, Chance Vought [SMTP:cvaf4u at rhinocat.com]
> Karl,
> I went over to Fred's TDI forums and plugged in "Rotella".  It looks
> like this stuff is not a true synthetic but a Group III oil.  While
> the Wally World special at $12.83 may be good for a diesel, it's over
> priced.
> Chance
> 85 VW Golf 1.6 NA
> http://www.rhinocat.com/~cvaf4u
> On Fri, 5 Jul 2002 12:35:17 -0400, Karl M wrote:
> >After many times not being able to find Delvac, and when I did being
> >gouged
> >$28 per gallon for it, I jumped ship and started using the new Shell
> >Rotella
> >5W40 synthetic last fall. I've only seen the stuff sold at Mall
> Wart,
> >originally at $18.88  per gallon. Today, I stopped in to get some,
> >it's now
> >an incredible $12.83 per. Stock up while it's there, folks! Not that
> >Mall Wart AT ALL, but they do have this one single item.....wish I
> >could buy
> >it somewhere else.
> >
> >Karl Mullendore
> >Westy Ventures
> >1987 Westfalia Syncro 1.9TD
> >
> >
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