[Vwdiesel] '82 VW Westphalia diesel
Scott Sullivan
gersil0 at lycos.com
Mon Jul 15 18:53:57 EDT 2002
Welcome to the SLOTH club (Slow Over The Hill).
Oil leaks are common on these. A few kind people have written where to look and how to repair them.
For the oil level I would first look at the dipstick. I purchase an 82 D-Westy that had the wrong dipstick. The PO had put on marks for the correct oil level.
Electrical connector on the oil filter adapter, hummmmm. I am thinking you mean the oil cooler. I dont recall there being a connector there. The oil pressure sender is in the head at the front of the motor.
On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 15:50:00
Harmon Seaver wrote:
> Well, just brought home a '82 diesel westy. Body in excellent shape, no rust
>at all (came from Georgia supposedly), but a few minor dings here and
>there. Even has the diesel heater. Starts good and seems to run okay, not much
>smoke after warming up, power feels okay but speedo is broke so I couldn't
>accurately tell top speed.
> One thing that does concern me is that the oil level is *WAY* over the max
>mark, and after we got back from a test drive on the highway, there was a light
>spatter of oil on the back.
> When my '73 westy and '81 aircooled gas vanagon did that, it was always a
>sign of a blown rear oil seal, and there is some spotting on the ground after
>the run -- could be just because of the too full crankcase, but the question is
>why is it too full. So first thing I'll do is drain the oil and refill to
>correct level and see what happens then.
> I figure either someone put too much oil in (not likely that much) or else
>the injectors need rebuilding and unburnt fuel is getting into the crankcase.
>I also notice that there is a electrical connector on the oil filter adaptor,
>what looks like a pressure switch, with no wire on it, no loose wires nearby
>that I can see. Any clues -- I don't have a manual yet for this one.
> --
>Harmon Seaver
>vwdiesel mailing list
>vwdiesel at vwfans.com
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