[Fwd: [Vwdiesel] Daytime running lights]
gerry.wolfe at sympatico.ca
Fri Jul 26 09:10:14 EDT 2002
I have a Canadian '91 Jetta TD (German built), probably with the same DRL.
There is a connector (single wire only) on the drivers side, at the master cylinder. Simply disconnect. This will remove the lowbeams from the DRL circuit i.e. only the parking lights will light up as DRLs unless the headlightlight switch is turned on.
If you want, I can do a JPEG with digicam and e-mail to you personally if you need more info (my description is regrettably vague).
rgds all, g.
> From: Sandy Cameron <scameron at compmore.net>
> Date: 2002/07/26 Fri AM 12:24:29 EDT
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Daytime running lights
> I'm working on a few things on a Canadian 1990 diesel Jetta that has the
> dread daytime running lights.
> There's nothing about this in the Bentley (because it's American), and I wonder
> if anyone has any info on how they did it, so I can undo it.
> There's obviously a relay somewhere, but not in the relay panel. They dont
> come on until the alternator is kicked up and producing juice, so the relay
> somehow senses the alternator producing juice, and then turns on the low
> beams only. the relay also hands back control of the lights to the dimmer
> switch if the normal light switch is turned on.
> A wiring diagram would be handy, if I knew where to find it.
> Anyone on the list have clues??
> Sandy
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