Fwd: Re: [Fwd: [Vwdiesel] Daytime running lights]
Gerry Wolfe
gerry.wolfe at sympatico.ca
Sun Jul 28 11:18:25 EDT 2002
I sent the .jpg to Sandy... sorry about the delay.
The connector is really easy to spot. There is a bracket attached to the
reservoir (correction: it's the round coollant reservoir, not the master
cylinder... memory wasn't what it used to be), and a yellow wire that come
out of a loom, into the connector, and back to the loom (sorta sounds like
instructions on how to tie a bowline...). Just disconnect the male/female
connector (connectus interruptus?) and leave it plugged into the bracket; I
wrapped the other one around the bracket. The wires and the connector
itself (rather large for what it has to accomplish) are all bright
yellow. Actually, the whole setup looks like it's a kludged add-on.
rgds, g
>X-Sender: scameron at mail.compmore.net
>X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.4 (32)
>Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 23:01:54 -0700
>To: Gerry <gerry.wolfe at sympatico.ca>
>From: Sandy Cameron <scameron at compmore.net>
>Subject: Re: [Fwd: [Vwdiesel] Daytime running lights]
>At 08:10 AM 7/26/02 -0400, you wrote:
> >I have a Canadian '91 Jetta TD (German built), probably with the same DRL.
> >
> >There is a connector (single wire only) on the drivers side, at the master
>cylinder. Simply disconnect. This will remove the lowbeams from the DRL
>circuit i.e. only the parking lights will light up as DRLs unless the
>headlightlight switch is turned on.
> >
>I had a look today and could not find a wire that did not have a definite
>other purpose in that area. I may have to lift out the coolant reservoir to
>see all the wiring. I think I have located the relay (behind the light
>switch next to the instrument cluster, just dangling from the harness, in a
>bit of that foam tube they use to group wires) I may dive for it and perform
>a lobotomy, or even a defeat switch that would allow restoration when
>persued by the volkspolice.
>What is the color code of the wire you mention. that might help me find it.
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