[Vwdiesel] Vacuum Filter Guage?

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Sun Jun 2 23:28:17 EDT 2002

On Saturday, June 01, 2002 1:01 PM, Milton Kaplan [SMTP:teacher525 at juno.com]
> Where would you connect a "dirty filter vacuum"/turbo boost gauge on the
> intake? Requires drilling a hole on the intake and welding on a boss like
> EGT gauge?

You put it anywhere post filter, pre-turbo that is convenient, and you can make
dustproof.  search for Engineered Products Company and "air filter minder".
 They make an automatic filter minder that I use on tractors and the like- it
indicates inches of vacuum and when it is advised to clean/change.  I have one
remote mounted on the dash of the semi too.   Any gauge could be used, but it
should be in inches of vacuum, not pounds, not sensitive enough in pounds,
really. Good device to have if you are in dusty conditions like a combine,
field tractor,  etc.... not really that necessary for a car however, but cool
if you're a gadget enthusiast.

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