[Vwdiesel] Re: Another leaky pump.....

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Tue Jun 4 01:29:55 EDT 2002

> I have a Mitutoyo digital dial indicator at work which uses a .375" shank
> and has a threaded on end. It has a range of about 0-12 mm with .01 mm
> resolution. It is about 2 3/8" around and 1 1/2" thick. Is this too big to
> fit in there next to the pump? If not, does this have the correct shank to
> fit the adapter?

IIRC, I don't think so, but I would imagine it is no biggie to machine the ID
of the adapter to fit the dial indicator. A phone call should tell you the size
of the dial indicator needed, but your Mit is probably a better tool  than
you'd get with the adapter.

 The adapter is considerably less than the adapter and gauge
> together, but if my gauge is too big to get in there, it will obviously do
> me no good. I have an inch one with 1" of travel and .001" graduations, too,
> but it is the same overall size as the metric one. I'm thinking that these
> will be too big to get in around the injector lines.

Dropping the lines is easy, might have to get the vacuum pump out of the way,
but if you do, PLUG THE HOLE IN THE BLOCK.  Saw the professionals fishing for
an hour to get the dial indicator end out of the oil pan once.  They got it, by
dint of patience and persistence, and a strong magnet.  They won't do that

> The seal in question is a rubber o-ring, not a gasket. I figure since the
> pump is unusable as-is, it's worth trying some ATF, even if it does contain
> "friction modifiers". I doubt that a short, intense dose will kill the pump
> outright or hurt it to any great degree.

For this, you might try just adding the oil to the fuel filter, and run the
engine until you get a color change in the return line.  With some time, the
seal swelling agents will leach into the rubber o-ring.  However, over time,
they tend to leach back out, but slowly.  You can get fork oil with seal
swelling agents in it, might have more than ATF? dunno.

>  James, you can keep the moose to yourself.

Okay, they're kind of busy right now anyway.  saw one in the Yukon where Moose
got pissed at ford station wagon, I think it was near Stewart Crossing.  Wagon
looked like it was given the once over by a loader or cat, just pounded to
shit.  Driver honked horn at Mr. moose, moose took great offense at the
apparent challenge, moose thrashed car. Driver lived to tell tale, moose
finished and walked away.  Biiiiiig Moosie.
 They're like hitting a wall with a car. Hope nobody got hurt.

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