[Vwdiesel] Injection pump rev limit - vanagon vs rabbit

Dana Morphew kadm at pugetsound.net
Tue Jun 11 19:26:00 EDT 2002

Unless I'm wrong, the Vanagon diesel is rated at 48 hp.  This lower rating than the
52 hp in the Rabbit may come about because of that lower max rpm spec.  Why they
have that spec for the Vanagon and why it is different than the max rpm spec for the
Rabbit is a mystery to me.  Your best torque is to be found at much lower rpm (and
by the way doesn't the Vanagon reach its max torque at a lower rpm than the Rabbit?
   The '82 Vanagon may also have a later pump timing spec and not have the
"performance" timing spec that the '82 Rabbit has.


jon.sykes at ps.ge.com wrote:

> I was wondering why the rev limit on the 1.6NA vanagon is supposed to be set
> to 4800 rpm but 5200 rpm in the Rabbit?  Seems that it'd make sense to have
> the extra revs in the van right?

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