[Vwdiesel] CNG v. Diesel
Jonbonbart at aol.com
Jonbonbart at aol.com
Wed Jun 26 08:25:32 EDT 2002
In a message dated 06/26/2002 3:07:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
gabangs at san.rr.com writes:
<< don't let me get started on the Forest management
issue(or, rather mis-management!) with the resultant fires in CO and AZ. >>
On an only somewhat related note:
The current US administration wanted to use the US forests as a CO2 "sink"
bargaining chip to get around the Kyoto accord. The dubious (Dub-ious?)
thinking is that since our trees absorb an amount of CO2 that we don't have
to cut our CO2 production. Now that our "sinks" go up in unregulated emission
combustion with regularity (Yellowstone, Los Alamos, Denver, Show Low) I hope
that the other nations that have agreed to abide by the accord allow the US
to claim the sinks as a credit on the condition that the release of the
carbon contained in the sinks are counted as CO2 production.
Yeah, That'll teach us!
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