[Vwdiesel] Auto tranny (was A new member in the family!)

Robert L. Coyle, Jr. wn5p at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 11 22:21:41 EST 2002

--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 3/11/2002 2:51:27 PM Pacific
> Standard Time, wn5p at yahoo.com
> writes:
> > The transmission in my '85 (formerly owned by
> Hayden)
> >  seems to have some problems, specifically with
> the
> >  shift point from second to third gear. It's
> holding
> >  second way too long before shifting into third,
> and I
> >  usually have to manually "trip" it (release
> throttle
> >  momentarily). That's something I need to look
> into,
> >  but will keep it off the road for a while, so I
> want to
> >  wait for the other one to come back.
>   That sounds a lot like the "kickdown" linkage is
> too tight.  This
> makes the transmission think that you are
> accelerating harder than
> you really are.  It stays in the lower gear then.

Exactly. My cousin, who owns a transmission
manufacturing company in California, told me he
thought it was the TV valve. First-to-second shifts
fine, but second-to-third delays. It will go into the
mid-to-upper 3000 rpm range if I don't trip it
manually. I don't have this problem at all with my '92


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