[Vwdiesel] Type 2 hitch

jon.sykes at ps.ge.com jon.sykes at ps.ge.com
Tue Mar 12 14:27:17 EST 2002

Boy, I seem to be asking a lot of questions today!

I was wondering about getting a hitch installed on my 82 vanagon so that I
could pull a trailer or use one of those moto-tote type motorcycle carriers
(bike weighs about 350 lbs).  I would like one of those square type hitches
(type 2??) and was wondering if anyone had any experience mounting one of
these to their vanagon.  I was just going to go down to the local tow hitch
place, but thought I'd run it by the list first to see what the group wisdom

One thing I do know, extra weight doesn't seem to slow the diesel vanagon
much, if any.  I had a dozen 2x4s and half a dozen sheets of 3/8 plywood in
mine on saturday and was just as fast (slow!) as normal.  It actually seemed
to handle better with the extra weight.

This is such an awesome vehicle.  I just wish it was 1982 again and I could
enjoy it for the 20 years I've missed.


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