[Vwdiesel] FW: 82 diesel vanagon glowplug knob question

jon.sykes at ps.ge.com jon.sykes at ps.ge.com
Fri Mar 15 13:25:05 EST 2002

I've had my 82 diesel ASI camper about 2 weeks now.  The previous owner said
he just left the glowplug knob control out all the time.  Said it was kind
of hard to open and close it (it is) and that leaving it out would do no
harm.  I've been wondering about this and whether the glowplugs are working
all the time (pardon my lack of mechanical knowledge here).  Basically, am I
doing any damage or causing any unneeded wear and tear by leaving the knob
out all the time?

Thanks in advance.


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