[Vwdiesel] Re: [vwpickups] RallyVW Goes Hollywood!

william d thompson thecraftedcow at juno.com
Sat May 4 10:11:53 EDT 2002

Anyone trying to enter the www.waterwagons.com site will not be able to
open it.  It is www.waterwagens.com.  They have a BIG event coming up in
Washington state.  Those of us on the left coast might want to get
together.  It is a fact we are water related to this group.  As a
subgrouping, it would be interesting to meet some others who are from
Taxes......that's Pennsylvania to those of you who are still there.

On Thu, 2 May 2002 12:21:02 -0400 "Josh Westhoven" <josh_w at sprynet.com>
> For Immediate Release:
> Team RallyVW Goes Hollywood
> May 1, 2002
> MARRYSVILLE, OHIO -- Team RallyVW is heading West this week to
> compete in the Rim of the World ProRally in Palmdale, California-
> just North of Hollywood. This will be the team's first time at the
> event, which originated in the 1970s and is in its 19th consecutive
> running. Rim is run primarily in the Angeles National Forest, which
> is known for its rough, twisty roads and ample "exposures"
> (otherwise known as cliffs).
> John Hamilton, driver and team owner, is currently tied for first
> place in Production class with Jeff Field and his Celica GTS. Field
> is also expected to compete at Rim, ensuring an exciting event as
> the two duke it out for top honors. Both drivers must fight for
> points, yet preserve their cars for the next event, STPR, which is
> four weeks and 2500 miles away.
> Josh Westhoven will be taking a turn in the co-driver's seat of
> RallyVW's Volkswagen Golf TDI. This will be his first competitive
> ride in the Golf, which was formerly his daily driver. Ken Sabo will
> be back for STPR. The service crew for this event will include Mike
> Jackson, Ann Froschauer, Patrick Jackson and Eric Smith.
> The MotorsportVortex liveried Golf TDI, which is the only diesel
> currently competing in the ProRally series, runs on an
> environmentally friendly Soylect Biodiesel blend supplied by
> McWherter Petroleum. Made from domestically grown soybeans that
> reduce both harmful emissions and dependency on foreign oil,
> biodiesel also fuels RallyVW's new service truck. The team is also
> receiving support from two new sponsors for Rim of the World, AV
> Lubricants, Inc. and WaterWagens.com.
> Performance Rally takes place on real roads, usually dirt, gravel,
> or two-tracks in forested areas. The terrain can change quickly. The
> winding roads are peppered with washouts, large rocks, tight turns,
> and jumps. The driver relies heavily on the co-driver, who reads
> instructions and maintains mileage calculations while the driver is
> pushing the car to impossibly fast speeds through the woods and
> fields.
> For more information, check the teams website at www.rallyvw.com.
> See also:
> www.rimoftheworldrally.com
> www.scca.org
> www.motorsportvortex.com
> www.waterwagons.com
> www.avlube.com

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