[Vwdiesel] Re: [Audi-VW-Diesels] TD vs. NA in stationary apps

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Fri May 17 09:46:59 EDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Man, for that kind of money, I'd insist on driving both models before
making a decision.  The NA might be completely fine.  One idea is
disable the turbo (at least remove the boost enrichment line from the
manifold to pump) to see what it feels like w/ less power, provided they
just can't get the NA one (perhaps they just said this to get you to go


Scott Kair wrote:

>      The powers that be are planning to buy a new street sweeper for
> the
> department and we're looking at whether to go with the turbocharger
> option.
>     The powerplant will be a Perkins, either a 90hp NA or 120 hp TD.
> The
> engine supplies power to hydraulic pumps which supply power to the
> drive
> motors and various motors powering the sweeping mechanisms.  For
> practical
> purposes, rpm will be constant while working, somwhat higher while
> transporting.
>     This being Illinois, terrain is fairly flat.
>     We tested the turbo version, but for the cost of that option, we
> could
> buy a couple of other neat options.  A demo without the turbo wasn't
> available.
>     Has anyone ever used stationary engines in both configurations?
> If so,
> how did they compare?
>     I measured the engine in the demo, and I don't think it would fit
> in a
> Jetta.  Also, it was bolted in too securely to remove over the
> salesman's
> lunch break.  (Required VW content.)
>     TIA,
>     Scott Kair
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