[Vwdiesel] [hoagy@nelson-tel.net: [biofuel] VW One-Liter (239 mpg)]

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Sat May 18 01:04:37 EDT 2002

>  VW One-Liter (239 mpg)
>  Tandem seating for 2, plastic carbon fiber
>  body panels, aerodynamic teardrop design,
>  aluminum one cylinder diesel engine,
>  DOH cams,  2 inlet valves and 1 exhaust.
>  SDI diesel engine -  299 cc
>  6.3 kW/8.5 bhp @ 4,000 rpm
>  torque 18.4 Newton metres @ 2,000 rpm
>  Weight comparable to average touring motorcycle
>  drag coefficient of 0.159
>  with top speed of 120 km/h, 75 mph.
>  6.5 litre (6.9 US gal.) tank and
>  up to 650 kilometres (400 miles) per tank.
>  Automated sequential 6-speed gearbox.
>  Disc brakes all around with ABS.
>  A two page article & photos with forum
>  Last edited:  04.16.02
Very cool car.  Ferdinand drove it to his last meeting as the big cheese of
Volks.  VERY cool.  Actually reminds me of the SAE mileage challenge car the U
of S engineering students designed when I was there starting in '82.  Used an
1100 Suzuki IIRC for the powertrain/rear suspension, but side by side front
seating.  Real neat car- had airflow characteristics like no other at the time
anyway- had it wind tunneled and it had a push from any wind that was more than
35 degrees off of head wind.

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