[Vwdiesel] Racing Diesel engine on Ebay

Lee Hillsgrove hillsgrove at tds.net
Sat May 18 22:07:41 EDT 2002

>Not mine, etc.  Looks like it might require substantial modifications to
>into a Rabbit, Jetta, etc.  Suspension will probably need to be beefed up,
>too, as will transmission.

  HAHAHA!! Good one, Scott.

Holy boost, Batman! *4* turbos? Wow. Those appear to be set up as 2 pairs of
sequential turbos. They only added 300 hp? Sheesh, hardly worth it....
Check out the bank of oil or fuel filters, too. Is that a pressure plate
surface for PTO at both ends of the engine?

 Hey, this isn't located too far from me. Must....resist....urge...  :-))


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