[Vwdiesel] What does the L stand for?

Anton Largiader largiader at worldlynx.net
Wed May 22 13:18:38 EDT 2002

Yeah, it was the top trim level for '80 (we had one).  In subsequent years
the L was downgraded and the LS was created as the new top trim level. Also
there was the S...  anyone remember that, with the red accents?  A sheep in
wolf's clothing, it was called by the press.  The C was the bottom level,
except early on when I think there was a 'no level' model.

Fortunately we were spared the 'GL' moniker that every Japanese company and
some of the big 3 were using, but VW gave in to that temptation eventually.

Anton Largiader, Chester Springs, PA
'94 K75RT, '93 R100GSPD,  '94 R1100RSA, '98 Jetta TDI
largiader at worldlynx.net   http://members.aol.com/alargiader/
----- Original Message -----
From: "Duncan L. Forbes" <duncan.forbes at ints.com>

> I was behind an early 80's Rabbit diesel this morning and noticed on his
> rear badge right after the Diesel it had a large L. Is this a designation
> for a trim package or something else? Inquiring minds want to know.

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