[Vwdiesel] EGT Gauge Probe Mounting

Milton Kaplan teacher525 at juno.com
Wed May 29 13:55:23 EDT 2002

Hi Loren.

Thanks for info.

I plan to make new flange; should make 2 1/4 inch initial new down pipe
to allow for easier flange mounting?

On your dad's pickup turbo, you mentioned the probe was mounted right
after turbo. Do you mean using a welded boss on the new flange downpipe?

How much ground clearance does the oil return line have at the pan? Any
suggestions to reduce rock/ground impacts? I see alot of bid action on
Ebay for turbo oil pans.

On Wed, 29 May 2002 11:40:20 EDT LBaird119 at aol.com writes:
> > Which of these is best to install?
>   It's generally not a question of which is best, it's more like
> which is
> POSSIBLE!  The clamp around would indeed require the right size of
> pipe so those with 2 1/2 inch exhaust are out for that one.
> Pre-turbine
> is the best place but that leaves the manifold as where to put one.
> The
> only place I've found is to possibly drill out and tap one of the
> shield stud
> holes on the outward edge of the manifold.  It's already a "through"
> hole.
> Clearance between it and the turbo or firewall is a possible problem
> though.
> It also requires pulling the manifold.  The factory, cast manifold
> doesn't
> leave much place to tap and welding isn't as simple a matter which
> leaves
> you with down a couple feet from the turbo.  Weld on is probably the
> easiest, you take it to a muffler shop and have them blow a hole and
> weld on the boss, which comes with the pyrometer kit.  If you make a
> new flange and go with large exhaust from the turbo on out then you
> can put the probe right after the turbo.  :)
>   My Dasher has it in the manifold.  BAE made it that way.  :)  The
> Jetta
> has it down by the steering rack and Dad's pickup has it right after
> the
> turbo.  Jake installed his, pre-turbine, in the turbo's exhaust
> housing!
> A little tricky to do.
>      Loren
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